A circle is the oldest form of gathering for human beings. Assembling this way feeds a primal need and raises the vibration of the planet. Everyone is equal in a circle so sharing and inclusion surface more readily.
I am BEYOND excited about starting a Women’s Circle in my community. This is a time where the divine feminine needs nourishment and space. It feels SO right!
Our Circle Principles serve as an understanding and agreement of intention:
- Honesty: We speak from direct experience – the “I” place. We refrain from speaking about “you” and actively quiet the human habit of reacting, recapitulating & rescuing.
- Safety: We promise full confidentiality and do not discuss or allow discussion of what transpires outside our gathering. We protect each woman’s right to anonymity and privacy.
- Simplicity: Circle shows us that true abundance flows from the simplest gifts of life. We value laughter and politeness, support and generosity. We appreciate pleasure and encourage simple shifts that enhance the quality of our lives.
- Compassion: We actively open our hearts to every woman present, including ourselves.
- Silence: We consciously allow space for silence to enter. We understand that so much of the magic of Circle happens within these pristine moments of silence.
- Diversity & Inclusion: We celebrate all of the diverse ways of existence. We acknowledge all stories as the loving expressions of our shared humanity. We include all religions, all paths, all loving practices, and all people. We also honor ourselves with a welcoming heart.