As sensitive people, not only do we often feel deeply for others, but we also have a tendency to actually absorb the emotions and energy of others. While empathy can be an incredibly beautiful gift, it can also lead those of us who have it to feel drained, overwhelmed, and anxious.
Take what you need from this list of tools to manage and protect your energy in the chaos of daily life.
- Surrender to your breath. If it feels like you are picking up someone else’s energy, concentrate on your breath for a minute. Connecting with your breath is centering and helps you tap into your power. Holding your breath can keep heavy energy lodged in your body. To purify fear and pain, exhale stress and inhale calm. Visualize the difficult emotions as a gray fog lifting from your body on an exhale and imagine wellness as a clear light entering your body on the inhale. This practice can create a shift very quickly.
- Practice Gorilla Meditation. Be sure to meditate before a public event, centering yourself, connecting to your soul, feeling your heart. Get strong. If you encounter emotional or physical distress while out and about, take a pause and meditate for a few minutes. You can move away from the crowd as needed. Calm yourself. Focus on love. This has saved me many times at social functions where I feel depleted by others.
- Set healthy boundaries. “Boundaries are guidelines created by you, for you, so you can be in relationship with others without betraying your relationship with yourself. Creating boundaries is how we teach others how to treat us.” -Cleo Wade
- Visualize protection around you. Research has shown that visualization is a healing mind-body technique. Try visualizing an envelope of white or golden light around your entire body. If the energy becomes really heavy, I like to visualize a fierce black jaguar patrolling and protecting my energy field to keep out intruders. Some people prefer to imagine a protective cloak surrounding their body.
- Mantras. These are some of my favorites! “What’s mine is mine, what’s yours is yours.” “There is a place in me where there is perfect peace.” “I now release anything that does not serve me.” “I am a noble representative of love wherever I go.”
- Cleansing Ritual. Cold shower – Water is a natural energy cleanser, and the cold temperature spins dark, heavy energies up and out of your body. Hand washing – visualize any stuck or unhelpful energy being washed away. Salt bath – salt has magnetic properties thought to pull out negative energy and absorption of Magnesium relaxes the mind.
- Earthing. Go outside and place your bare feet on the grass or dirt, stand like a tree or just bring your focused awareness to the soles of your feet.
- Smokey Quartz. This anchoring crystal absorbs negative energy and grounds it back down into the earth. Consider carrying one in your bag!