One of the most beautiful things about being a parent is rediscovering the world through your child’s eyes. I often witness my children having an innate connection with our beautiful Earth and all of its offerings. As spring rolls around, consider reinvigorating your whole self by stepping outdoors and taking it all in with childlike wonder. So, how can you connect with spring on all levels – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual?
Spring offers us a cacophony of physical sensations.
As the bleak colors of winter become dotted with the vibrancy of spring, we see bright green shoots from the dark soil, budding leaves and blooming flowers. We smell damp earth and freshly mown grass. We hear the songbirds singing and the woodpeckers drumming. We feel the first warm spring breeze. Open your senses and let the season be yours!
Spring brings sunshine.
Studies have shown that sunlight is a natural mood booster for many people. As we go from winter to spring, let’s spend enough time outside to experience a noticeable change in our mood. Allow the sunshine to fuel your natural biological desire to shift your mindset this season.
Spring activates new emotions.
Signs of renewal and hope start to stir within us. In early spring, seeds of change push through with the new energy we feel bubbling inside. We may be inspired to bring our goals and creative energy to the surface. If we sit with this building energy in early spring, it can inspire hope and joy. However, resisting this build can manifest as anger and impatience. It helps me to remember that in the latter months of spring, as the leaves burst out from the trees, my own creative energy will also find resolution. Trust.
Spring is a spiritual time.
The spring is a perfect time to explore spirituality. This season is abundant with beauty that inspires wonder and awe. It’s also the season of many religious holidays and symbolism. What a great time to consider the divine.